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CREW labs

Continuity created CREW Labs, which provides participants who have been trained through Continuity CREW’s workshop Set Basics or CREW Live workshop to participate in such labs as:

CREW Set Basics Lab in partnership and hosted by Bad Dog Pictures.

  • This program provides in-depth, hands-on, skills-based training for practical production assistant skills needed on a typical media set. It will augment participants’ current knowledge gained during the Set Basics Workshop and include learning from industry professionals in a studio setting, complemented by networking and encouragement to move forward in their careers.

In partnership with the St. Louis Film Office, CREW Locations Labs was taught by Kelley Hiatt, former locations manager and now our St. Louis Film Office manager.

  • CREW Location Labs will expand on the skills learned in the workshop by adding hands-on scouting techniques and professional best practices.

  • CREW Location Labs goal is to help create paid opportunities for CREW participants while building a robust database of St. Louis’ Regional treasures for our growing production industry location needs.

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